Saturday, April 27th, 2024
Tanyard Creek Overlook - 4361 Cherokee Street - Acworth, GA30101
Speakers & Panelists

Interested in educating and inspiring teen girls in our local community? We would love to have you share your expertise and journey as we celebrate phenomenal women in leadership. We are looking for fun, energetic, and engaging presentations.
For consideration, please fill out the speaker form on this page. Your information will be reviewed by our conference leadership team. The team will choose the presentations which fit best with the vision of the organization and this symposium. Submission of this application is not a guarantee of your selection as a speaker.
A few things to note:
Please do not advertise or sell products during the session. Sessions are an opportunity to provide information and knowledge to teens in the community. You may direct participants to your website at the end of the session.
Honorariums: We are unable to pay honorariums for this event. However, we can include business information in our program booklet.
Event Information:
Saturday, April 27th, 2024
Tanyard Creek Overlook, 4361 Cherokee Street Acworth, GA
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm*
We thank you for your interest in educating and inspiring teen girls in our local area!
To see the 2023 event in action, click here.
*Time subject to change.