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of former students surveyed agree that their participation in DDP helped prepare them for college and careers. 


believe that DDP provided them with valuable life skills.


say that it is very likely  they will recommend the program to someone else. 


Based on a recent survey of 20 DDP graduates: 

Featured Testimonial

Kianna Franks

My name is Kianna Franks, and my DDP journey began in the 6th grade. They say it takes a village to raise a child and that’s what DDP was for me. DDP was a village of influential women such as Mrs. Lorraine Thomas and many others that helped me become the woman I am today. The program consisted of a sisterhood and mentorship that provided the life development skills a young girl needs to get through this world.


Destiny Daughters of Promise was developed to provide life development skills for young women. Each and every woman is unique. DDP allowed each of us to explore and showcase that uniqueness in different aspects of the program. If you were interested in singing, dancing or modeling; you could showcase your talents during the annual showcase. If you loved to talk, it was time for you to lead the showcases and become listed as a speaker during yearly award ceremonies or important programs. This is where I shined, but it was not the same as talking to fellow peers. It was time for me to master my speaking skills with peers, family and supporters of the program. I can say that I truly appreciate Mrs. Thomas for pushing me into this direction because I would not be speaking to you all today if I didn’t start early.


DDP also served as a liaison for young women to create change and impact our communities. We completed community service projects while building connections along the way. From cleaning Acworth Beach to baking cookies for our local first responders, a sense of fulfillment was reached. These trips and extracurriculars were the stepping stone to helping me figure out what I wanted to accomplish as an adult. What I wanted to do “when I grew up.” This is what DDP is best known for. I didn’t appreciate all aspects of the program at the time, but today, I realize that Mrs. Thomas and Mrs. Serena saw our potential to develop the activities to fulfill each of our underlying passions. I had a passion for making change in the community and speaking on behalf of my generation. The jobs and career choices following college were chosen to fulfill this passion. The impact of DDP constantly remained on my mind and within my heart as I made these choices. It prepared me to stand in front of the cameras with LSU’s Tiger TV as a reporter and anchor. It prepared me to walk alongside a variety of GA politicians. And now, rub elbows with state judges and lawyers in my current role.


As we transitioned to high school, the program’s focus shifted into building the DDP brand, advocating for middle school girls, and discussing future life opportunities. We were given guidance on preparing resumes, college applications and career choices. We began to formally build relationships with our local leaders, state legislators and so many others in the community. Our conversations in meetings became more meaningful as we began to mature and become adults.


I’ve said a lot about how DDP has guided me through my transformative years, but DDP has continued to support me way beyond middle and high school. Mrs. Thomas made a promise to all of us that the DDP journey did not end after we graduated high school. She most definitely kept that promise. Each year of college, Mrs. Thomas checked on me. She made sure that I was continuing to be the young woman I set off to be as I completed the program in high school. Even though I was miles away at Louisiana State University, she continued to invite me to each year’s annual symposium and invite me to speak/include my feedback in different virtual meetings/events hosted by the program. My younger sister “tried” to actively participate in the program before she was of age, but she successfully joined the program once she entered middle school. As Mrs. Thomas did for me, she did for my sister and continues to do so. My sister is now in college and Mrs. Thomas checks on her as she checks on me. I truly want to thank Mrs. Thomas for founding this program, advocating for young women, and being an active contributor in shaping me into the woman I am today.

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"It was time for me to master my speaking skills with peers, family and supporters of the program. I can say that I truly appreciate Mrs. Thomas for pushing me into this direction because I would not be speaking to you all today if I didn’t start early."

Community Tour 2023

Thank You, Kianna! 

Hear from current students & graduates


DDP is a sisterhood of kind spirits who stirve to build leaders in our society.


I overcame many obstacles and dealt with a lot of peer pressure in my short life, but I can say, being in DDP, and learning at a young age, has helped me push through the obstacles.


​It has helped me a lot, and I am learning to engage with others and even to talk more. It has helped me to find the strength to build my self-esteem, and I am still working on building my confidence, and DDP is helping me do that

Sydni T.

What I like about DDP is that it gives me a chance to meet girls with same goals as me.

Zahra J.

What I like about DDP is we can share anything because it is a safe space.


DDP instilled in me the abilty to go after a career I had a passion for and become a woman with pursose.


I thought it was just a program for girls to do community service. I had no idea that it would encourage me to develop my communication skills. The lessons I have learned by being part of Destiny’s Daughters of Promise helped me speak up for myself. The experiences helped me gain the confidence to make a plan for my life and for my future

Kennedy K.

This semester has made me a better person and has helped me a lot. I really like that even when making your point, you still make it fun and that you group us up with girls that are our age.


Kelly M.

What I like about DDP is how I have learned to love myself, and I know that I can be anything I set my mind to. DDP has also shown me that we have to build each other up.


DDP has taught me not to be scared…that you can be courageous and smart

Anyah S.

What I like about DDP is that it boosts my confidence. When I was in DDP last year, I was very quiet and shy, but now I have got the confidence to speak up and do things I never thought I would do in a million years.

Kamari B.

What I like about DDP is how us girls can express how we feel without being judged and how we’re able to express our thoughts while also building bonds with our DDP sisters.

Shanajai L.

I like that in DDP we can be honest and share our thoughts and feelings.

Destiny's Daughters of Promise. Empowering girls to live a life of bold success. 




DESTINY'S DAUGHTERS OF PROMISE                                                                                                                                                                                   

5330 Brookstone Dr. NW, STE 250, Acworth, GA 30101


Phone: 407-840-6813   â€‹


Destiny's Daughters of Promise is a 501(c)(3) organization incorporated in the state of Georgia. All donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. A full and fair description of the program and activities for Destiny’s Daughters of Promise and its financial statement is available upon request.


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